Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Power of Red Socks

Slipper Socks from North Fulton Hospital
I have two sisters, The Funny Sister and The Beautiful Sister.  (I'm The Talented Sister, in case you were wondering.)  Now, the truth is that The Funny Sister wishes I would call her The Smart Sister, but The Beautiful Sister is pretty smart, and so am I, so she's going to have to live with being called The Funny Sister until the rest of us lose our minds.  I'm working on it, but I haven't quite gotten there yet.

A gift from Maven Jan

The Funny Sister has a theory that she first shared with me when I was in my 20's, she was very insistent about it and at the time she held much more sway over me than she does now.  She is still a power player in my life and I love it, I just don't let her tell me how to do everything any more.  (Sometimes I wonder just who the older sister is.)   Her theory was that red socks had healing power.  Now, if she comes and reads this she may well correct me, but the fact is that I came away from that conversation believing that when one is sick, she should immediately don red socks.  It's not a superstitious thing, or some kind of weird new age thing, she just believes one should put on red socks when sick.  Almost my entire adulthood when I have gotten sick I have put on red socks if for no other reason than to think of The Funny Sister and laugh.  Also, if I talk to her on the phone and tell her I'm sick, I know she's going to ask if I'm wearing red socks.
Betty Boop always makes me smile

You know when you're in the hospital they give you slipper socks to wear, they have little rubber bits on them to keep you from sliding.  Guess what color my slipper socks were when I was hospitalized last time?  Yep, they were red, you can see them at the top of this page.  Guess North Fulton Hospital also believes in the red socks thing.  LOL

How could you not love ruby slipper socks?  

Recently, The Beautiful Sister (who lives in Hong Kong) told me she was very sick with some kind of flu bug.  She couldn't even sit up to Skype.  I asked her if she was wearing red socks.

Imagine my surprise when I found out that The Funny Sister had never told her about the red socks thing.  Now, The Funny Sister says that's okay because surely she has told The Beautiful Sister other valuable information that I don't know.  (Now I'm wondering what I'm missing out on!)

So many people have offered to help me since my hospital stay and in truth my needs are well met.  So I began telling my friends last week that if anyone asks them what I need, to please tell them I need red socks to help me through my next surgery and recovery.   I have a great love of novelty socks, and this being February, I thought cute red socks would be easy to come up with.  Turns out I was right!  So far I have received four pairs of socks, two of them from The Funny Sister.  We have agreed that I will wear them into the hospital on surgery day and even though they will make me take them off for the operation, we will ask the nurse to put them back on me as soon as I am awake and allowed to wear them.  I give you the most awesome red socks for getting better ever:

The most awesome red socks ever

1 comment:

Linda said...

What a wonderful idea! I'm going to go out and buy myself a few pair to wear on sick days!!